17.01.18 (RPSC) Rajasthan Current Affairs

RAJASTHAN Soon, hydroponics to boost veggie production in Rajasthan   The agriculture department of Rajasthan is planning to experiment with the use of hydroponics technique in the cultivation of a few vegetables. An Australian delegation visited the government’s centre of excellence at Bassi in Jaipur district recently to study the prospects of introducing the technique … Read more

14-15 .01.18 (RPSC) Rajasthan Current Affairs

RAJASTHAN Rajasthan makes uniform must in govt colleges from coming session   The state higher education departmenthas directed government college sto make uniform compulsory from the upcoming academic session. The department says that color of the uniform should be decided by the college administration in association with students’ unions. The state has 148 government colleges, including 15 law colleges. … Read more

04.01.18 (RPSC) Rajasthan Current Affairs

RAJASTHAN Prime Minister Narendra Modi to launch nutrition mission   To reduce the level of stunting, undernutrition, anemia and low birth weight in babies, the Centre has included 24 districts of Rajasthan in the first phase of National Nutrition Mission (NMM), which is expected to be launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Jhunjhunu on January 22. In the first phase, 315 … Read more