30-06-21 Daily-Tamilnadu-TNPSC Current Affairs

Tamilnadu Affairs

Tamil Nadu gets ready to emerge as aerospace and defence hub

Its been close to four years since the Centre announced its plan to establish DEFENCE corridors inUttar PradeshandTamil Naduwith an aim to become Atmanirbhar Bharat in manufacturing and service of aerospace and defence equipment.

The plan behind the defence industrial corridors is to catalyse indigenous production of defence and aerospace-related items and promote Growth of private domestic manufacturers, MSMEs and startups in the defence sector.

But progress of the project has been limited due to multiple reasons including the outbreak of the pandemic. Further, the is characterised by the long gestation needed for DECISION MAKING and implementation of projects, given the sensitive nature of the sectors. The low volumes on offer also make it tough for projects to evolve from concept to reality.
Tamil Nadu has been silently going about identifying its advantages and converting it as opportunities to emerge stronger in the aerospace and defence segments. The aim is for Tamil Nadu to emerge as the manufacturing and service hub for aerospace and defence industries in the country.

In Tamil Nadu, the defence corridor plan identified Chennai, Trichy, Salem, Hosur and Coimbatore as areas of focused development for the targeted sectors. The state also unveiled an exclusive Aerospace and Defence Industry Policy in 2019.

A defence park will come up in 400 acres at Sulur near Coimbatore, while more such exclusive facilities will be established at Ulundurpet, Salem and Trichy, besides the 250-acre aerospace park established near Chennai.

National and International Affairs

Enforcing Contracts Portal – Justice Department

Enforcement Contract Portal” was unveild by the Department of .

About the portal:

The website (https://doj.gov.in/eodb/) is intended to be a comprehensive source of information about the legislative and policy reforms being undertaken on the Enforcing Contracts parameters.

It contains the most recent information on the operation and disposition of commercial cases in the Dedicated Commercial Courts of Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, and Kolkata

The portal also hosts online reports from all high courts on the commercial court-affiliated mediation and arbitration center to supervise and promote institutional mediation and arbitration through the pre-institutional mediation and settlement (PIMS) of commercial cases.

Export of Burmese Grapes Leteku

APEDA promoted the export of Burmese grape “Leteku” to Dubai.

About Leteku:

Burmese grapes are also called “Leteku” in Assamese languages.

They are grown in Assam’s Darrang district.

They can be found in abundance in India’s north-eastern region.

Burmese grapes grow in evergreen forests on a variety of soils.

The fruit is harvested and consumed locally as a fruit, stewed, or made into wine;

It is also used to treat skin diseases medicinally. For medicinal purposes, the bark, roots, and wood are harvested.

The fruit is oval, yellowish, pinkish to bright red or purple in colour, 2.53.5 cm in diameter, glabrous, with 24 large purple-red seeds and a white aril.

Not-for-Profit Hospital Model in India

A report on India’s non-profit hospital model was published by the .


The NITI Aayog released a report on the not-for-profit hospital model in an effort to close the information gap on such institutions and facilitate robust policymaking in this area.

The study provides insights into the operating model of non-profit hospitals. It presents research-based findings on such hospitalscategorized by ownership and service premiseand then compares them to private hospitals and Union Government Health schemes.

The not-for-profit hospital sector provides both curative and preventive care.

It connects healthcare, social reform, community engagement, and Education.

The remaining 20% can be attributed to long-term ice thinning caused by global warming.About the Arctic:

The Arctic is a polar region located in the far north of the Earth.

The Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas, as well as parts of Alaska (United States), Greenland (Denmark), Canada, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, and Sweden, comprise the Arctic.

Land in the Arctic region experiences seasonal variations in snow and ice cover.

India has been an observer in the Arctic Council since 2013, which is the primary inter-governmental forum for cooperation on Arctic environmental and development issues.

Reasons for Melting:

Approximately 80% of the thinning can be attributed to weather-related factors, such as the wind that breaks and moves the ice.

Melting of Last Ice Area in Arctic

The Last Ice Area’ (LIA), which is located in the Arctic ice north of Greenland, has begun melting earlier than expected by scientists.

In the Canadian territory of Nunavut, this region is located north of Greenland and Ellesmere Island.

This region was thought to be resilient enough to withstand .

The Arctic summer ice is expected to disappear completely by 2040, but the “last ice area” is an exception.

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF)-Canada is credited with being the first to refer to this area as the “Last Ice Area.”.

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