21-01-22 Daily-Tamilnadu-TNPSC Current Affairs

Tamilnadu Affairs

Sugar industry in Tamil Nadu: Bittersweet, but green shoots

After hitting a peak in 2011 in terms of production and capacity use, the sugar inTamil Naduhas been down since 2016. The area under sugarcane fell with water scarcity and 15 of the 43 sugar mills in the state downed shutters.

The bountiful rain in 2021 has seen green shoots sprouting, but a turnaround is at least a couple of cutting seasons away. A hand from the government would help, say mill owners. This is an industry that caters to five lakh farmers, provides direct and indirect EMPLOYMENT to two lakh and generates around `4,500 crore in revenue.

Unlike in other states, mills in Tamil Nadu have a unique problem. The Centre fixes the Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) per tonne at 9.5% recovery and including the farmers transport cost in bringing cane to the mills. But Tamil Nadu millers have to pay transport cost over and above FRP and the sugar they recover from a tonne of cane is also less.

National and International Affairs

Star Rating System Of Environment Ministry

The “Star Rating System” was just created by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and <a href="https://exam.pscnotes.com/Climate-change”>Climate Change. The mechanism clears the surroundings in a short amount of time.


With this new method, the Environment Ministry will rate and incentivize the states.

The ministry will identify states that efficiently provide environmental clearances in a short period of time. It will then provide incentives for such states.

The star rating system assigns states points on a scale of one to seven for this. For completing a project in less than 80 days, the states gain two points.

One point for clearing in less than 105 days. If you clear more than this amount of time, you’ll get a zero.

Chinese bridge at Pangong Tso

Amid the ongoing standoff between India and China in eastern Ladakh, China is building another bridge on the Pangong Tso. Construction of new bridge was spotted in satellite images.

China is building the bridge near to friction points on north bank of Pangong Tso and Chushul sub-sector on south bank. The bridge is around 400 m long and 8 m wide.

This bridge is being constructed at around 20 km east of Finger 8 on the north bank.

In Indias perception, theLine of Actual Controllies at Finger 8.

Site of the bridge is within Indias claim line. However, this area has been under Chinese control since 1958.

Pangong Tso is a 135-km-long landlocked lake. Around two-thirds part of the lake are under Chinese control. This bridge is near the halfway mark.

India-Denmark R&D – Green Fuels

At a recent virtual meeting, India and Denmark agreed to begin cooperation research and development on green fuels, including green hydrogen.


At a virtual meeting in January, the agreement was signed as part of the previously established “Green Strategic PARTNERSHIP Action Plan 2020-2025.”

Aside from the agreement, the India-Denmark Joint Committee examined national strategic priorities and advancements in both countries’ Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI).

Green plans in green research, technology, and innovation received special attention.

India: First UNDP Youth Climate Champion

Prajakta Koli, a content creator, and artist has been named India’s first UNDP Youth Climate Champion.


She was awarded the honor as a result of her collaboration with the UNDP.

Her title was bestowed to her in recognition of her contributions to mental Health, female child Education, and Women‘s rights through different international social movements.

Five-Alarm Global Fire

According to the United Nations, the globe will confront five big threats in 2022. Fivealarm global fire is the name given to these dangers.


COVID-19, lawlessness in cyberspace, <a href="https://exam.pscnotes.com/Climate-change”>Climate Change, a bankrupt global financial system, and degraded peace and security are the five alarms.

The pandemic, as per the United Nations, benefits the wealthy while punishing the poor. The international financial system is insolvent.

In fact, a strong and stable financial system should be able to help countries cope with financial shocks.

Regrettably, this is not the case right now. Investments are being made that are lopsided. As a result, the recovery is lopsided. The term “lopsided” refers to the fact that one side is larger than the other.

Debt relief is denied to middle-income countries. Poorer countries are experiencing the slowest or no Growth at all.

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